Renting Out Advertising Space on Your Web log

If you can build a blog that's recognized for its consistent, regular and quality postings or articles you may attract advertisers who are willing to pay you a some of money to rent ad space on your website or blog.

Advertisers and other list owners who have their own subscriber lists would happily pay to advertise their products or services on a blog with a good circulation of audience if they can see that your audience can be influenced by what they have to offer.

But Bloggers Beware!

While all those ad offers may be well and good and dollars are being waved in front of your face, care still needs to be taken when it comes to choosing the types of advertising you allow to appear on your blog.

So keep in mind your readers' views, the ones who are loyal to your blog. Ask yourself, would they mind seeing the types of advertisements that you allow on your blog? While this is a minor issue, many newsletter and blog owners seem to miss this.

Do Your Own Investigation

You can do some due diligence by checking into the list owner's or advertiser's products and services and take a look at the quality and the kind of information and markets they attract. If you feel they may contradict what your blog stands for or they may compete or even offend, then stay right away regardless of the dollars offered. Its not worth it!

However if they complement or even add to your blog's exposure then by all means go ahead to see if you can seal the deal. While its outside the scope of this article to talk about ad rates you can potentially earn from $80 to a $1,000 upwards depending on the size of your readership or circulation.

Like all things internet, test the relationship of these arrangements. If you are not sure, don't commit to a long-term agreement. So if they turn out to be a nightmare, you can flush then as soon as the advertising term ends.

If earning money by selling ad space on your blog is an attractive proposition, then having or growing a large circulation or audience is imperative, it will impact on the dollars you can earn in selling advertising space. I hear even as small as a thousand members can attract a solid regular income.

One final advice: Don't over do it with your ads. Just because they have the power to create a regular income, if your blog turns out to look like a community board of post-it ads you are going to lose the trust of your audience. You will be seen, not as a person who writes quality material, but one who cares only about yourself rather than your audience. Pretty soon you will see a fast exit out of your subscription, faster than it took you to find them.