Monetize Your Blog by Generating the Correct Traffic

The success of monetization on your weblog depends largely in the traffic that your site attracts. Some statistics recommend that for every thousand views that you get on your weblog, you will get one contextual commercial link click. That can mean so lots of things. What you need to do to monetize your weblog is to generate steady stream of the 'right' traffic niche to your site. The more targeted that traffic is the higher will be your income leverage.

A Comic Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum....You Made Money!

OK, getting your weblog up & walking was one thing, but as you can see it begins to make sense to start thinking about driving some free traffic to your site. You can do this & drive a whole lot of traffic by visiting forums related to your niche. For example, if your weblog is on the 'gym equipments' then its common sense that you spent time visiting a few forums that are twisted towards gym use & gym equipments. Join a number of these free forums, & jump in the conversation threads that are already there. With every chat you do or any feedback or advice you give on those forums you leave behind a signature link to your weblog. soon someone is going to see you often popping in to these forums & start to click your familiar link. Then boom, they are on your site checking out what you need to offer. Receive a few to do that, & soon someone is going to buy!

So it is obvious that to monetize your weblog you need to generate more targeted traffic that is related to your niche. The more targeted the traffic - traffic that is interested in your weblog topic - the higher will be your rate of success with the weblog. You need to bring the kind of traffic that is genuinely interested in what you are walking a blog about. That way you are far more likely to build, not only your ideal reader base, but also one that will monetize your weblog profitably!